Home NewsLiberia Additional nineteen new confirmed COVID-19 cases recorded in last 24 hours in Liberia

Additional nineteen new confirmed COVID-19 cases recorded in last 24 hours in Liberia

by Jarp Davies

MONROVIA, LIBERIA-Coronavirus cases in Liberia continue to rise, with the Country recording nineteen new confirmed cases in the last 24 hours.

The Incident Management Team’s latest report shows that the Country’s total confirmed cases have jumped to six-hundred-eighty-one, though the death toll remains at thirty-four for the fifth day running.

According to the report, seventeen of the latest nineteen cases were reported in Montserrado, the hardest hit county, while two cases were reported in Bong, increasing the county total confirmed cases to twenty-two.

The number of people currently in the treatment unit stands at three-hundred-sixty-nine, while health workers are tracing one-thousand ninety contacts.

Meanwhile, eight additional people have recovered from the Coronavirus infection, taking the country’s total recovery to two-hundred-seventy-eight.

Meanwhile, Montserrado County, the hardest hit County of the Coronavirus, has recorded fifteen new confirmed cases of Covid-19.

The County has reported five-hundred-forty-two of Liberia’s six-hundred-fifty cases and twenty-one of the thirty-four deaths.

Margibi County follows with thirty-nine cases, Nimba with eighteen, Bong with seventeen, while Grand Bassa and Gbarpolu Counties have reported ten cases each and Lofa with five.

At the same time, five Coronavirus related deaths have being reported in the treatment unit and fifteen deaths in other health facilities, while fourteen deaths have being recorded in the communities.

In a related development, authorities in Grand Cape Mount County say they are finding it difficult to complete the refurbishment of the Coronavirus Treatment Unit in the County.

According to ELBC Grand Cape Mount County Correspondent, the situation is due to the lack of partners’ support.

Our correspondent said:” Currently the Treatment Unit has not been fenced, no water source and assigned ambulance as well waste disposal, among others.”

He said because of the incompletion of the Unit, the first person who was confirmed with virus is still in Robertsport and cannot be transported there.

Meanwhile, our correspondent said authorities of the County, including the County Health Team, have been engaging companies in the County for assistance.

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