Home NewsLiberia Health Authorities disclose 14 new COVID-19 cases

Health Authorities disclose 14 new COVID-19 cases

by Maximilian K. Kasseh jr

MONROVIA, LIBERIA-Liberian Health Authorities have recorded fourteen new coronavirus infections, carrying the total number of confirmed cases to eight-hundred- thirty-three.

The report said Montserrado County accounts for thirteen of the cases reported, while Nimba County accounts for one.

The Incident Management Team’s Thursday, July 2.2020, situation report said additional eight new recoveries have also been reported.

The Team said four hundred-fifty active coronavirus patients are being quarantined and taking treatment, at the 14 Military Hospital in Lower Margibi County.

Meanwhile, one-thousand-four-hundred-sixty-six contacts are being followed up.

In a related development, about eighty-eight health workers in Lofa County have benefitted from a one day COVID-19 response training in the County.

The training, under the auspices of the Lofa County Health Team and sponsored by the International Rescue Committee, is aimed at ensuring that health workers regularly wear masks in public places.

Our Upper Lofa County Correspondent said:” The training will re-awaken the spirit of the health workers, and empower them to defeat the culture of denial in the County.”

According to our Correspondent, the exercise will also re-enforce straight adherence to health protocols, to contain the spread of the virus.

Our Correspondent said the eighty-eight-health workers will serve as ambassadors in their various communities, to ensure the people adhere to the preventive measures to fight the pandemic.

At the same time, an operation, “No Mask No Movement,” has been launched in Grand Gedeh County.

The movement is aimed at allowing the Police detachment in that County, to enforce straight adherence of health protocols.

Our Grand Gedeh County Correspondent said several checkpoints have been erected at strategic areas, to ensure residents do not move about without wearing masks.

Our Correspondent quotes the Police as emphasizing the need to abide by all health protocols put in place by the health authorities.

According to our Correspondent, Police have vowed to detain anyone who violates and will be compared to buy a mask before being released.

In Grand Cape Mount County, Bea Mountain Company has relaxed the 90-day lockdown policy imposed on its employees.

It followed complaints from employees that management reportedly refused to decongest their residential areas.

According to our Grand Cape Mount County Correspondent, the employees threatened to boy-cot the lockdown if the company did not lift it or decongest the areas.

Our Correspondent said:” The pressure from the employees triggered the management’s decision, to lift the lockdown on employees.”

Our Correspondent said employees will be going to work from home, adhering to the laid down health protocols to contain the spread of the COVID-19.

By:Zoequay Betsolow-Konneh

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