Home NewsLiberia House of Rep. Cites Finance Minister, Liberia Revenue Authority Com. General…

House of Rep. Cites Finance Minister, Liberia Revenue Authority Com. General…

by Administrator

MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The House of Representatives has cited Finance Minister Boima Kamara and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Commissioner General, Dorbor Jallah for fiscal performance report.

Plenary believes that the citing of the two officials will keep in check, and ensure that the Government of Liberia delivers on its mandate to achieve the budget.

It followed a communication from Bong County District-Three Representatives Marvin Cole.

Representative Cole said:” The performance report will keep the Government engaged and curtail the risk of budget shortfall.”

Meanwhile, the two officials are expected to appear next week to update the public on the 2024 budget performance report.

At the same time Representative Cole has dismissed rumors that members of the House of Representatives are planning to remove Speaker Fonati Koffa.

Representative Cole said:” Such rumor is far from the truth and the House has no intention to remove Speaker Koffa.”

He called on those spreading such lies to immediately desist.

The Bong County Lawmaker said:” Speaker Koffa will continue to enjoy the full support of members of the House, and removing g a sitting Speaker requires processes that must be followed.”

By:  Emmanuel Kollie

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