Home NewsLiberia Executive Branch of Liberian Gov. Submits Agreements …

Executive Branch of Liberian Gov. Submits Agreements …

by Administrator

MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Executive Branch of the Government of Liberia has submitted for ratification two separate agreements to the National Legislature.

They are the African Development Project for the Mano River Union (MRU) Road Development project and the Mano River Development and Transport Union Road Facilitation program-Phase 4.

The agreement, if ratified, will see the African Development Fund provide financial assistance to Liberia for the construction and rehabilitation of key road infrastructures within the MRU Region.

President Joseph Boakai said:” The project will improve connectivity and promote economic development within the region.”

In his communication, President Boakai further emphasized the importance of the project to enhance economic growth, trade facilitation, and poverty reduction.

Meanwhile, the communication has been sent to the relevant Committees for action.

At the same time, the House of Representatives has passed two crucial bills to strengthen educational outcomes in the Country.

By: Emmanuel Kollie

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