Home NewsLiberia Liberian Gov. Successfully Repatriates Liberian Refugees from Ghana

Liberian Gov. Successfully Repatriates Liberian Refugees from Ghana

by Administrator

MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Executive Director of the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement (LRRRC) says the Liberian Government has successfully repatriated one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine former Liberian refugees from Ghana.

Mr. Patrick Worzie said:” The Government of Liberia mandated the LRRRC to ensure the safe return of former Liberian refugees stranded in Ghana, following the demolition of the Buduburam Refugee Camp.”

Mr. Worzie described the arrival of the returnees under the first and second phases of the voluntary repatriation program as a great achievement of his administration.

The LRRRC Boss added that almost half of the first seven hundred seventy returnees have been reunited with their families. In contrast, the second group is expected to go through a similar process.

Mr. Patrick Worzie noted that the former Liberian refugees have begun receiving their packages as empowerment ahead of their reintegration into the communities.

By: Sampson David

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