Home NewsLiberia Info. Minister Piah Reassures of Gov.’s Commitment…

Info. Minister Piah Reassures of Gov.’s Commitment…

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MONROVIA, LIBERIA-Information Minister Jerolinmek Piah has reassured of the Liberian Government’s commitment to fostering public sector transparency and accountability.

Minister Piah’s statement is in reaction to reports alleging that the Government had spent seven hundred thousand US Dollars to underwrite the cost of the recent Senate Retreat.

But, in an ELBC interview on Mon day, June 17, 2024, Minister Piah clarified that at no time did the Government disburse such money to the Liberian Senate.

The Liberian Information Boss said:” Though it is good to checkmate the works of public figures, such effort should be backed with documented evidence.”

Meanwhile, Information Minister Piah has disclosed plans to make the Government’s communication system more effective and efficient.

Minister Piah said:” The Information Ministry has already developed a short-term policy tagged: One Government, One People, One Platform Policy of Communication.”

He said that the strategy is to ensure improved coordination in the Government’s communication system.

Minister Piah noted that though the Government’s communication arm is doing well, inter-agency coordination between Ministries and Agencies is crucial to centralized information management and delivery to the people.

By: Frederick Teegwiah, Jr.

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