Home NewsLiberia Center for Transparency and Accountability Releases Report of Pres. Boakai’s One Hundred-Day Deliverables

Center for Transparency and Accountability Releases Report of Pres. Boakai’s One Hundred-Day Deliverables

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MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Center for Transparency and Accountability (CENTAL) has released its first report on President Joseph Boakai’s hundred-day deliverables.

CENTAL Program Manager, Gerald Yeakula, said the report covered appointments in the Government, the fight against corruption, and freedom of speech, among others.

Releasing the report on Thursday, June 20, 2024, in Monrovia, Mr. Yeakula said:” During the President’s hundred days, he scored significant marks in the appointment of more females to key Government positions.”

He said though the Liberian Leader made efforts in addressing corruption; more needs to be done to combat the menace in the public space.

Meanwhile, CENTAL is urging President Joseph Boakai to lead by example in addressing promises made to the Liberian people.

Also speaking, CENTAL Executive Director Anderson Miamen said the report was conducted impartially, adding that a similar report was released on the immediate past Government to foster public sector transparency and accountability.

Mr. Miamen disclosed that the initiative is solely sponsored by Sweden to instill good governance in Liberia.

The CENTAL Executive Director also thanked the Government and people of Sweden for their unwavering support to Liberia, especially CENTAL.

Mr. Anderson Miamen called for more support for his organization to enhance its operations.

By: Emmanuel Bondo

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