Home NewsLiberia Liberian Government and EU Sign “Aide Memoire”…..

Liberian Government and EU Sign “Aide Memoire”…..

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MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Liberian Government and European Union have signed what they called “Aide Memoire” to promote sustainable forest governance in Liberia.

The signing ceremony took place on Monday, June 24, 2024, in Monrovia, at the end of the Eleventh Joint Implementation Committee Meeting of the Liberia-European Union Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement and Trade.

Speaking at the event, the European Union Ambassador to Liberia, Nona Perez, expressed hope that Liberia and the EU will improve and strengthen forest governance.

Ambassador Deprez said:” The Committee Meeting demonstrates the willingness of Liberia and the EU to seek solutions and responses to emerging trends.”

The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) aims to ensure the legal import of timber from Liberia to the European Union.

Meanwhile, Forestry Development Authority (FDA) Board Chair, Philip Parker, said:” The FDA is working out modalities to revitalize the Country’s Forest Sector, and the move is to ensure the improvement of the Authority’s contribution to the National Budget.”

He told the Eleventh Joint Implementation Committee Meeting of the Liberia-European Union Voluntary Partnership Agreement, that the Country’s Forest Sector has great potential.

Mr. Philip Parker also assured the EU of the FDA’s commitment to improving collaboration to strengthen sustainable forest management in Liberia.

In remarks, Justice Minister Oswald Tweh said:” The Ministry remains committed to strengthening the legal regulatory framework governing the Country’s Forestry Sector, and will also enforce applicable laws by providing legal expertise and support to the FDA and other stakeholders in the Sector.”

He noted that the move is intended to address complex issues affecting the Forestry Sector and to uphold the rule of law.

Justice Minister Oswald Tweh then lauded the European Union for hosting the event.

By: Frederick Teegwiah, Jr.

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