Home NewsLiberia Pres. Boakai, Entourage Return Home…

Pres. Boakai, Entourage Return Home…

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MONROVIA, LIBERIA-President Joseph Boakai, and entourage have returned home after attending the 18th Commencement Convocation of the Regional Maritime University in Accra, Ghana.

At the ceremony, over the weekend, the Liberian Leader called on Africans to embrace the spirit of peace to achieve social and economic transformation.

President Boakai said:” Africa Unity is pivotal to realizing the hidden potential of the continent for the benefit of its people.”

He called for collaborative efforts in the proper management of the continent’s natural resources for the good of future generations.

President Boakai also reaffirmed the Government of Liberia’s steadfast support for the advancement of education in the country’s Maritime Sector and the sub-region.

The Liberian Delegation to Ghana included Information Minister Jerolinmek Piah, Transport Minister Sirleaf Tyler, and Justice Minister Oswald Tweh, among others.

By: Vasta Tarlue

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