Home NewsLiberia Liberia Gets West Africa Bar Association Sec. General Position

Liberia Gets West Africa Bar Association Sec. General Position

by Fabine W. Kwiah

MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Secretary General of the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) has been elected Vice President of the West Africa Bar Association (WABA) in Cotonou, Benin, for two years.

The LNBA said the election of Cllr. Bornor Varmah will enhance a pragmatic rule of law for the Liberian legal body and the sub-region at large.

The conference adopted the amended constitution of the WABA and elected members of its governing bodies, with the WABA Secretariat, UNOWAS, and partners.

During the conference, the Bar Association and legal practitioners exchanged views on various subjects, including the role of lawyers in forging democratic and peaceful societies.

At the same time, Malian Bar President, Cllr. Ousman Traore was elected President, Nigerian Bar Association Secretary General, and Adesina Adegbite, Secretary General.

The WABA, created in 2024, brings together leading members of the Bar Council and Lawyers in the sub-region to respond to human rights and the rule of law.

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