Home NewsLiberia Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) Vacancy Announcement

Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) Vacancy Announcement

by Administrator

Open Positions:

 Carpenter– hiring 2  


  • Must have demonstrable workman skills in Carpentry;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities 

  • Performs quick fixes: Changing locks, installing doors, replacing hinges, tagging loose ceilings, etc.
  • Assist with carpentry works in the installation of technical equipment
  • Make sure that everything that has to do with carpentry is taken care of.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Operations Officer or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor;

Web Manager – hiring 2 


  • Must be a graduate of a reputable computer institution.
  • Must have good knowledge of troubleshooting and repair of desktops, laptops, and audio workstations.
  • Must be able to assemble and disassemble computers as well as do networking of computers.
  • Must know about VSAT internet connectivity.
  • Must be able to electrical connections and do installation of IT equipment.
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;

Function and Responsibilities

  • Manages and/or supervises the activities of the IT Department 
  • Develops/Improves the web page of the LBS
  • Liaises with other departments to ensure accurate posting of information to the web page
  • Ensure compliance with GOL IT policies/requirements
  • Ensure access to the internet for relevant parties
  • Develop and monitor LBS’ internet usage policy
  • Oversees the installation, repair, and use of computers
  • Deals with the installation, and repair of the System’s computers
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Chief Engineer or his/her proxy;
  • Handles all IT-related issues
  • Reports directly to the Chief Engineer;

 Plumber – hiring 1


  • Must have demonstrable workman  skills in plumbing hardware installation and maintenance;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills.
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

    Function and Responsibilities

  • Make sure that everything that has to do with plumbing hardware installation and maintenance is taken care of.
  • Reports maintenance requests to Sr. Technician
  • Assist in the installation of other technical equipment
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Operations Officer or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Sr. Technician;

Cleaner –hiring 2


  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills; 


  • Must have the ability to work under stress/ emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;

Function and Responsibilities 

  • Cleaning all offices, passageways, and restrooms regularly, disposing of paper trash; and cleaning the system’s compound.
  • Performs other duties as may be required;
  • Reports Directly to the head Janitor who reports to the Deputy Director General for Administration.

Director of Business & Marketing – hiring 1


  • Must have an undergraduate degree in Business Management (Marketing Option) or a related field of study.
  • An advanced degree or additional professional certification will be an added advantage. 
  • Must have over five (5) years of work experience as a senior marketing personnel of a reputable institution.
  • Must be creative, innovative, and have an acute sense of doing business.
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing skills;
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Must be computer literate.

      Function and Responsibilities

  • Develops and executes marketing strategies and plans for revenue generation to the System to include but not limited to the proper investment of LBS assets.
  • To manage, supervise, and monitor the sale of commercial airtime for the generation of revenue.
  • To generate sufficient revenues for the operation of the LBS
  • To develop and maintain a strong base of advertiser support
  • Provides coaching, mentoring, and training to the business and marketing staff as part of the ongoing development of their skills and knowledge;
  • Provide leadership to the Business & Marketing department in the area of strategic planning and policy development as well as management.
  • Ensure the evaluation of staff of the Business and Marketing department periodically;
  • Ensure the timely preparation of monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annual business reports for submission to the Director General.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director General or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Director General;

Accountant – hiring 2


  • Must have obtained an undergraduate University degree in Accounting;
  • Must be computer literate, especially in QuickBooks, Microsoft, Excel, and Word Perfect applications; 
  • Must have at least three (3) years of progressive work experience in Accounting from a reputable institution;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

    Function and Responsibilities

  • Analyzes and records the day–to–day financial transactions; posts to subsidiary ledgers;
  • Prepares monthly, quarterly, and annual debtors list;
  • Track all invoices based on reports from the business department
  • Keep updated records of all financial documents for the entity;
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Chief Accountant or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Chief Accountant;

Security Personnel for Outstation cites (local recruitment) – hiring 7


  • Must at least be a high school graduate;
  • An advanced degree or study will be an added advantage, but not a pre-condition;
  • Must have undergone basic security training from a reputable institution;
  • Must have at least five (5) years of progressive work experience as a professional security personnel;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;

    Function and Responsibilities

  • Ensures that the system’s properties are secure;
  • Logs and monitors visitors and clients entering the compound, issues pass to clients and visitors
  • Also, maintain an accurate log of vehicle movement
  • Ensure effective monitoring of various security posts;
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Chief of Security or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Chief of Security;

Radio Technicians for Outstation cites (local recruitment) – hiring 7


  • Must be a diploma holder from a recognized vocational or technical school.
  • Must be grounded in both theoretical and practical to the field of broadcast Engineering.
  • Must have worked in the broadcast field for not less than five years.
  • Must have a broad knowledge of electricity and electronics.
  • Must be able to read and interpret electrical drawings.
  • Must be able to work independently and respond to emergencies.
  • Must have good knowledge of troubleshooting to solve analog and digital problems.
  • Must be able to prepare technical reports and must be computer literate.
  • Must have a good knowledge of studios and transmitters installations.
  • Must be willing to serve at any LBS station around the country.
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;

Function and Responsibilities

  • Under supervision, operates all broadcast equipment;
  • Aids in the installation of electronic equipment
  • Provide maintenance services for all LBS equipment
  • Performs any other organization task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Chief Engineer or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Sr. Technician;

 Store Room Clerk – hiring 2


  • Must have obtained at least a high school diploma from a reputable institution; 
  • Must be capable of record keeping and reporting;
  • Must be a fast learner and trustworthy;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have good writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Is the custodian of all supplies in stock
  • Assists in keeping accurate records of all supplies within the store room;
  • Assists in issuing supplies upon approved requisition by a designated person;
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Deputy Director General for Technical Services or his/her proxy
  • Reports directly to the Store Keeper;

Continuity Announcer/Producer – hiring 4


  • Must at least have worked in media in the last seven years
  • Must have demonstrable skills in the use of digital musical and other production software
  • Must have an excellent command of spoken and written English language;
  • Must demonstrate resourcefulness and talent with a commanding voice/feature for radio/television production;
  • Must show in-depth knowledge of content creation and presentation;
  • Must be abreast and up to speed with the latest digital and analog technologies in radio/television production;
  • Must be creative and innovative;
  • Must be able to work independently and under the demands of the broadcasting industry;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Presents live radio/television programs: to include, musical, interactive, magazine, and special features;
  • Produce adverts and jingles for the radio/television;
  • Serve as a promoter, presenter, and anchor for events and other public activities of LBS;
  • Reports the Human features of LBS and its various media brands;
  • Contribute to the program genre of the radio and television services.
  • Production of additional support programs as may be required by the system.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Producer or his /her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the producer;

Cameramen – hiring 2 


  • Must be a student in media studies or related fields of communication and journalism.
  • Working experience with Television Broadcasts from a reputable broadcast institution is an added advantage.
  • Must be able to work independently and under the demands of news operations
  • Must be computer literate, especially in Microsoft Word perfect Applications;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Capture via camera daily program content for broadcast on LNTV 
  • Directs all news staffers and related staff members of all the news outlets of the system appearing on camera
  • Report damages or need for maintenance of video equipment
  • Ensures proper usage of studio sets and equipment
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director of Programs, Chief Videographer, or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Chief Videographer;

Switcher – hiring 2


  • Must have a minimum of a first degree in media studies or related fields of communication and journalism.
  • Working experience with Television Broadcasts from a reputable broadcast institution is an added advantage.
  • Must be able to work independently and under the demands of news operations
  • Must be computer literate, especially in Microsoft Word Perfect Applications;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;

Function and Responsibilities

  • Controls the Switchboards for television broadcast
  • Ensures proper usage of studio and equipment
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Deputy Director General for Media Services or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Director of Programs;

Newscaster – hiring 4


  • Must be at least a final year student of media studies or related discipline of a reputable and recognized tertiary in Liberia;
  • An undergraduate degree is an added advantage for such a position;
  • Must have worked as a news reporter or performed public information duties from a reputable for not less than five years.
  • Must show excellent command of the English language written and spoken
  • Must have demonstrable skills in the use of digital musical and other production software
  • Must demonstrate resourcefulness and talent with a commanding voice/feature for radio/television;
  • Must be abreast and up to speed with the latest digital and analog technologies in radio/television production;
  • Must be creative and innovative;
  • Must be able to work independently and under the demands of the broadcasting industry;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Responsible for all reportorial duties as assigned by the editorial team. They include, but are not limited to, gathering, packaging, reporting, and presenting news and information for the various news outlets of the system.
  • Serve as promoters, Presenters, and anchors for events and other public activities of LBS; 
  • Represents the Human features of LBS and its various media brands;
  • Contribute to the program genre of the radio and television services
  • Production of additional support programs as may be required by the system.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Sub Editor or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Sub Editor;

 Sports Reporter – hiring 1 


  • Must be at least a second-year student of media studies or related discipline of a reputable and recognized institution in Liberia;
  • Must show excellent command of the English language written and spoken
  • Must demonstrate an exceptional ability to learn the use of digital and other production software and equipment as well as the rudiments of journalism;
  • Must demonstrate resourcefulness and talent with a commanding voice/feature for radio/television;
  • Must be abreast and up-speed with the latest digital and analog technologies in radio/television;
  • Must be creative and innovative;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition;
  • Must have good working relation skills’
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;

Function and Responsibilities

  • Responsible for carrying out reportorial duties as assigned by the editorial team. They include, but are not limited to, gathering, packaging, reporting, and presenting sports news and information for the various news outlets of the system.
  • Serve as promoters, presenters, and anchors for events and other public activities of LBS;
  • Represents the Human features of LBS and its various media brands;
  • Contribute to the program genre of the radio and television services
  • Production of additional support programs as may be required by the system.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Sub Editor or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Sub Editor;

 Chief Editor – hiring 1


  • Must have a minimum of a first degree in media studies or related fields of communication and journalism;
  • Must have at least five years of news management experience, working in the media landscape or a media office related to public information dissemination.
  • Must have the ability to exercise prudent news judgment
  • Must be able to work independently and under the demands of news operations
  • Must be computer literate, especially in Microsoft Word Perfect Applications;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Assist in setting the daily news agenda, direction, and content of radio, television, print, and online outlets
  • Provides editorial guidance for radio, television, and print online news content ensuring that the news meets not just the minimum of basic journalistic standards, but that they chime with the editorial policies of the system.
  • Exercise oversight responsibilities over the sub-editorial teams of radio news, online news, television news, and newspapers as well as their respective news staffers. 
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director of News or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Director of News;

 Lawyer – hiring 1

Function and Responsibilities

Quick Books Administrator – hiring 1


    • Must have obtained an undergraduate University degree in Accounting;
    • Must be computer literate, especially in QuickBooks, Microsoft, Excel, and Word Perfect applications; 
    • Must have at least three (3) years of progressive work experience in Accounting from a reputable institution;
    • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
    • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
    • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
    • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
    • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
    • Must have good working relations skills;
    • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Update QuickBooks software as required;
  • Provide extended technical support (Financial/QuickBooks) to the Business & Marketing Department, Procurement Department, Internal Audit Department, and Accounts Department;
  • Install QuickBooks on all LBS machines that need the software for efficient operations;
  • Provide technical support to the QuickBooks server;
  • Assist in preparing financial records for would-be-audits;
  • Review Financial Reports;

Client Service Officer – hiring 2


  • Must have a certificate in marketing or related field of study;
  • An undergraduate degree is an added advantage for the position;
  • Must have over three (3) years’ work experience as a senior marketing personnel of a reputable institution.
  • Must be creative, innovative, and have an acute sense of doing business.
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal skills
  • Must be computer literate.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Ensures proper record keeping of all clients of LBS.
  • Serves as corporate liaison between LBS and all other corporate clients.
  • Ensures that LBS clients get the best of service.
  • Ensures that invoices and payments to LBS are efficiently executed.
  • Assists in the timely preparation of monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports for submission to the Director of Business & Marketing.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director of Business & Marketing or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Director of Business & Marketing;

Traffic Officer– hiring 2


  • Must have a certificate in marketing or related field of study;
  • An undergraduate degree is an added advantage for the position;
  • Must have over three (3) years’ work experience as a senior marketing personnel of a reputable institution.
  • Must be creative, innovative, and have an acute sense of doing business.
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal skills
  • Must be computer literate.

  Function and Responsibilities

  • Ensures that all pay-for programs are aired.
  • Keeps an up-date of the announcements file
  • Manages the commercial log sheet of LBS
  • Logs all commercials for radio and television as well as monitor their execution.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director of Business & Marketing or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Director of Business & Marketing;

1 Event and Promotion Manager – Marketing 


  • Must have a certificate in Marketing or a related field of study;
  • An undergraduate degree is an added advantage for the position;
  • Must have over five (5) years of work experience as senior marketing personnel of a reputable institution.
  • Must be creative, innovative, and have an acute sense of doing business.
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Must be computer literate.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Plans and executes various events and promotional activities for the entity;
  • Device means to promote the image and objectives of the entity; 
  • Device means to promote the various programs and products of the entity;
  • Responsible for dealing with other entities about LBS participation in events and promotions.
  • Ensures the timely preparation of monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annual reports for submission to the Director of Business & Marketing.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director of Business & Marketing or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Director of Business & Marketing;

Internal Auditorhiring 1


  • Must have obtained an undergraduate University degree in Accounting;
  • An advanced degree will be an added advantage, but not a precondition,
  • Must be computer literate, especially in QuickBooks, Microsoft, Excel, and Word Perfect applications; 
  • Must have at least five (5) years of progressive work experience as a professional auditor from a reputable institution; 
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;

Function and Responsibilities

  • Assists in the development of internal audit procedures for LBS.
  • Ensure that all audit standards are followed in line with PFML and LBS Financial Procedure Manual 
  • Ensure the timely preparation of monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annual internal audit reports for submission to the Director General.
  • Puts in place proper financial policies in line with audit standards to prevent fraud, impropriety, waste, and abuse of the sources.
  • Implement laid down financial of LBS.
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director General or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Sr. Internal Auditor;

Protocol and Welfare Officer – Administration


  • Must have obtained at least an Associate  Degree in Management, Public Administration, or a related field of study;
  • An undergraduate degree will be an added advantage, but not a pre-condition;
  • Must be computer literate, especially in Microsoft, Excel, and Word Perfect applications;
  • Must have at least three (3) years of work experience in similar areas of work;
  • Must be a fast learner;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be willing to travel on outstations; or perform assignments at very short notice when the need arises;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working relations skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills;  

Function and Responsibilities

  • Responsible for all travel and other protocol arrangements at the entity;
  • Develop a comprehensive welfare plan for employees of LBS.
  • Ensures full implementation of the approved welfare policy and plan.
  • Ensures the registration of every employee with the NASSCORP
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Director of Administration and Human Resource or his/her proxy;
  • Reports directly to the Director of Administration and Human Resources;

 Executive Secretary – hiring 1


  • Must be computer literate, especially in Microsoft, Excel, and Word Perfect applications;
  • Must have at least three (3) years of progressive work experience as a professional office administrator from a reputable institution;
  • Must have the ability to work under stress/emergency;
  • Must be willing to work with all persons regardless of background;
  • Must be a team player with the ability to take initiative;
  • Must be in excellent health condition and always willing to work long/extra hours;
  • Must have good working skills;
  • Must have excellent writing and reporting skills.

Function and Responsibilities

  • Records minutes of all periodic meetings prepares final copy, and distributes same;
  • Prepares citations, Memos, and notices for internal meetings called by the Director General;
  • Performs all secretarial in the office of the Director General 
  • Performs any other organizational task/duty as may be assigned or designated by the Special Assistant to the DG;
  • Reports directly to the Special Assistant to the Director General; 

How to Apply:
Interested candidates should drop off their resume and a cover letter to the Liberia Broadcasting System HR Department or submit them via email to jobs@elbcradio.com by September 20, 2024.


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