Home NewsLiberia Energicity Liberia and Starlight Commissions Mini Solar Grid in Gbarpolu County

Energicity Liberia and Starlight Commissions Mini Solar Grid in Gbarpolu County

by Varflay Kamara

GBARPOLU COUNTY, LIBERIA-A solar Mini-grid has been commissioned in Totoquelleh and Farnhweh Towns in Gbarpolu County.

The mini solar grid was commissioned by Energicity Liberia and Starlight to boost the government’s effort to provide electricity to homes, schools, and businesses.

According to a recent release issued, the mini-grid serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the potential of renewable energy to uplift communities and drive sustainable development.

At the commissioning ceremony, Commissioner Amara Quardu Kamara of the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission emphasized that the success of the Totoquelleh Mini-grid is a testament to the power of collaboration between the government and the private sector.

Commissioner Kamara said:” By harnessing solar energy, the project addresses immediate energy needs, while promoting environmental sustainability and climate resilience, enabling the community to thrive.”

The LERC Commissioner highlighted the critical role of partnerships in achieving energy sovereignty and universal access, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Amara Quardu Kamara has urged the residents of Totoquelleh to maintain the mini-grid, as it is a tool for empowerment and community development.

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