Home NewsLiberia Labor Ministry Tracks Down Chinese National…..

Labor Ministry Tracks Down Chinese National…..

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MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Labor Ministry has tracked down a Chinese National in possession of a fake alien work permit and turned him over to the Justice Ministry for prosecution.

Mr. Mai Wenhua, believed to be in his late fifty’s, was picked up by Labor Inspectors at his YMW Machinery Parts Business Center in the S.D. Cooper Road Community in Paynesville.

Labor Minister, Cllr. Cooper Kruah, in a letter to Justice Minister Oswald Tweh, said:” The work permit is a falsified document that warrants thorough investigation.”

According to a Labor Ministry release issue recently, Cllr. Kruah’s action was triggered by a report from Deputy Labor Inspector Darius Weamie.

Inspector Weamie accused the Chinese National of having a fake Alien Work Permit, which is a breach of Section 8.3 of the Decent Work Act of 2015.

By: Frederick Teegwiah, Jr.

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