Home NewsLiberia Liberian Senate Mandates Committees…

Liberian Senate Mandates Committees…

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MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Senate has mandated its Committees on Ways, Means, Finance and Budget and Foreign Affairs, to invite several relevant ministries on the suspension of Foreign Aid by America.

The Ministries include Foreign Affairs, Finance and Development Planning, Health, Education and Agriculture.

The government entities will provide solutions to the impacts of the recent foreign aid suspension by the United States of America.

It followed a joint communication from Senators Amara Konneh, Edwin Snowe, Gbehzohngar Findley, Abraham Darius Dillon, and Augustine Chea of Gbarpolu, Bomi, Grand Bassa, Montserrado, and Sinoe Counties.

The Senators believed that the United States’ suspension of foreign aid presents considerable challenges to the nation’s Public Health, Education, and Agriculture sectors, as such, there is a need to find a solution.

By: Sampson David

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