Home GOL Liberian Defense Authorities Confirm The Safety, Professional Conduct of AFL Soldiers On Peacekeeping Mission In Mali

Liberian Defense Authorities Confirm The Safety, Professional Conduct of AFL Soldiers On Peacekeeping Mission In Mali

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MONROVIA, LIBERIA – Liberia’s Defense Ministry has confirmed the safety and professional conduct of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) who are on a peacekeeping mission in Mali.

Political tension ensued in that West African nation on Tuesday after soldiers arrested and forced President Ibrahim Boubacar-Keita and Prime Minister Boubou Cissé to resign.

But, speaking to ELBC Friday, August 21, 2020, Information Minister, Eugene Nagbe, said Defense Minister, Daniel Ziankahn, has confirmed to the Commander – In – Chief, President George Weah, about the safety of the Liberian Army.

Minister Nagbe said Defense authorities are in constant communication with the Liberian peacekeeping contingent in several parts of Mali including Bamako and Timbuktu.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has urged all peacekeeping missions in Mali including the AFL to remain at their bases and not get involved in the ongoing political stalemate.

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