Home NewsLiberia Liberia Broadcasting System Boss Reaffirms Commitment to Providing Effective Info….

Liberia Broadcasting System Boss Reaffirms Commitment to Providing Effective Info….

by Administrator
director general

MONROVIA, LIBERIA-The Director General of the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS), Eugene Fahngon, has reaffirmed the State Broadcaster’s commitment to providing effective information dissemination to the citizenry.

Mr. Fahngon said:” Consistent with constitutional provision, the LBS will continue providing unhindered and professional programming in both radio and television services across Liberia and beyond.”

The LBS Boss noted that the Management is set to present the development of active ties currently achieved at the entity to President Joseph Boakai today, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

He disclosed that as part of the presentation, a drone worth over five thousand USD will also be presented to President Boakai at the Executive Mansion.

The LBS Boss disclosed on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at the MICAT Press Briefing in Monrovia.

By: Manston Kollie

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