Home County News Gov’t commits to building 100 Pro-Poor Housing Unit for people of Margibi County

Gov’t commits to building 100 Pro-Poor Housing Unit for people of Margibi County

by Varflay Kamara

KAKATA, LIBERIA – President George Weah is to provide an amount of US23, 000 to build a home for Persons Living With Disabilities in Margibi County.

President Weah said the money will be made available upon his return from the 3rd leg of the nationwide tour.

The promise by the Liberian leader was due to a request from a group of disabled persons at a town hall meeting in Kakata City on Monday, April 19, 2021.

President Weah on behalf of the Government promised to construct about 100 Pro-Poor Housen Units in the county. He told Magibi residents that some of the units will be built for nurses of the county health team.

Meanwhile, President Weah has lauded the level of cooperation among the Superintendent, Legislative Caucus, and local officials in the county.

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