MONROVIA, LIBERIA – The Liberian Government finally has the keys to five fire trucks that…
Varflay Kamara
Varflay Kamara
Varflay Kamara has over four years of practical Journalism experience from Radio Gbarnga in Gbarnga, Bong County, Renaissance Communications Incorporated (Truth FM/Real TV), to the Liberia Broadcasting System. Reporter Kamara is our Executive Mansion Bureau Chief. He served as Legislative Reporter from 2017 to 2018. He is an African Journalism Fellow for United Bank of Africa. Varflay is a 2019 trainee of the Nigerian Meteorological Training Institute. Varflay Kamara studies at the United Methodist University in Monrovia.
MONROVIA, LIBERIA – Over 30,000 Liberians are to shortly benefit from a renewable energy project…
MONROVIA, LIBERIA – President George Weah has begun a nation-wide inspection of government’s ongoing roads…